The basis of this product line was due to the “GARB” Joint Venture to promote the “Eidal”, “Garbalizer”, “Eidal-Garbalizer” and the “Garbalizer-Eidal” Recycling Equipment and Shredder Designs. Designed in USA but manufactured in Asia and India and worldwide under license agreements.
These products are based on the original designs of the Eidal Shear Shredder Line, owned, designed and developed by Dan Burda and Global Development.
The total Eidal product line has a long history since 1966, and continues with the companies controlled by Dan Burda and his family.
Dan Burda is known in the industry, as the original inventor and owner of the Saturn Shredder Brand and the SSI Shredder Brands.
In regard to the “GARB” project, this Eidal product line was involved in a controlled licensed agreement, made with the Garb-Oil Group, of Utah ( a publically traded company ), with a royalty and stock option agreement to be paid to Dan Burda and Global Development in 2002.
Unfortunately this “GARB” group did not honor their agreement, were eventually listed as a scam group by the industry, and from public records was liquidated in 2009.
Global Development and Dan Burda continued with this project and the core project of “” which is the backbone and main concept used by the promotion of the Garbalizer or GARM Venture.
We are the owners of the intellectual property and concepts used in the industry today for the design of recycling equipment in the western world combined with the manufacture of the equipment overseas, to provide lower prices.
The Series of Shredders, known under this venture, that will continue to be promoted and manufactured and sold, are the Eidal, Garbalizer, Eidal-Garbalizer and the Garbalizer-Eidal names.